Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Perfectly Imperfect: Excerpt

Megan looked up at the machine before her, tall, metal, imposing.  It looked alien and it frightened her.  But this was her ticket, her ticket to finally be the person she'd always dreamed of being.  She stretched out a shaking hand and placed it lightly against the cool metal.  Her brow furrowed as an internal war raged.  Doubts, hopes, dreams, fears roiled in her, clashing angrily as she stood motionless.  What if it didn't work?  What if the machine failed and she was left just as she was, an insecure, overweight, unattractive young woman with average intelligence and a screwed up personality.  Or worse, what if the machine only made her glaring faults even more obvious?  She groaned as the battle within her continued.  Her family and friends told her they loved her just as she was, she didn't need to change everything about herself.  But they didn't really know her, they couldn't see the darkness in her heart, the dark and twisted part of herself that she kept carefully hidden.  "Everyone has their secrets," she'd read once.  She hated her secrets, was tired of trying to hide the parts of her herself, of her past that ashamed her.  She could change all that, she could be the good, loving person she'd always wished she could be.  She could be the kind of young woman who made a difference in the world.  She could be confident, could be beautiful, smart, talented instead of the little nothing she was now.  She looked down at herself, at her fat, flabby body that she was so ashamed of and that others made fun of her for.  Hatred welled up inside her.  She hated herself, hated everything she was.  Resolve lit her eyes as she stepped back from the machine and looked at the small group of scientists standing behind her.  "I'm ready," she said.

If you could change yourself, everything about yourself, and become a new person, would you do it?

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