Wednesday, May 30, 2018


She stands on the brink of the unknown. Ahead is possibility, freedom, a potentially bright future but also uncertainty and the risk of failure. Behind is everything she's ever known and while she doesn't necessarily love it, the familiarity of it is comforting. But it's also a prison and the unknown is becoming more and more tempting. But what if she should fail? Could she bear to return to the life that she was so tired of, a life that felt meaningless and routine? She wanted adventure, to see the world, to truly live. She was tired of being bogged down by the mundane. But her friends, her family, they were all right there, so close. How could she survive without them? They were her rocks, her pillars. What if distance should cause them to drift apart? That she knew she could not bear. And so the fear kept her at bay, kept her from taking the leap. She felt bound to fall and if she did, could she rise again? But what if maybe, just maybe, she flew?

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