Uncertain if I'll pursue anything with this, but here's a very short blurb that I came up with a little while back.
She stood on the platform, waiting for the train to arrive. An old security officer wandered by, offering her a smile.
"Off to somewhere exciting?" he asked her.
"Yes, I'm finally getting out of here," she told him, a smile stretching across her plump face.
"Where to?"
She shrugged. "Wherever the train takes me. As long as it's away from here."
The old man nodded sagely. "Mmm, the greatest kind of adventure, where your destination could be anywhere and nowhere all at the same time, where time means nothing and the possibilities are endless."
She nodded eagerly. "Yes, sir, exactly. I've always wanted to see the world and now I'm taking that chance."
She stood up straighter as the train appeared in the distance, gleaming black and gold.
"Here it comes!" she cried, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet.
It slowly puffed into the station, groaning slightly as it finally stopped. The doors opened, but no one got off. Instead there came the call of "All aboard!"
The young woman turned to the old man with a grin, face shining, eyes bright with excitement.
"Well, sir, this is it! I'm off!"
"Best of luck, my dear. Go see that world."
With a little wave, she bounded up the stairs of the train. A few moments later, the train pulled out again, steadily gathering speed until it was a mere dot in the distance, headed due west into the setting sun.
The old man smiled sadly before turning around and making his way back to station house.